We introduced the 'Double KeyCode Lock' on our 'Cairo ShootOut!' game. The results have encouraged us to use it on our newest 'entertainment' application.. PUZZ'L. We realize you've paid some $$'s (in Download time, Public Domain disks, or other) to get this copy of PUZZ'L. Please think of those dollars as a Distributor's fee. We'd like to get our 'Author's fee' if you decide to keep this program.
How does it work? The 'Double KeyCode Lock' disables three features of PUZZ'L: the maximum size of a new PUZZ'L is limited, the choice of pieces is restricted to 2 of a possible 4, and the 'Save' command is inactive. These features are permanently 'UnLocked' by matching the 'Double KeyCode'. The #1 KeyCode is created by the program. The #2 KeyCode is obtained by sending the #1 KeyCode and $3.00 to:
Duane Blehm
HomeTown Software
848 N. Colorado
Ulysses, KS. 67880
Choose 'Print OrderForm' from 'UnLock' menu for order form. Remember we must have your #1 KeyCode in order to send a valid #2 KeyCode. We'll do our best to get your #2 KeyCode in return mail within one business day. Once the #2 KeyCode is entered and all the features are permanently 'UnLocked' the program can be freely used without nuisance. Please lock copies of PUZZ'L with the 'Lock/Reset for Distribution' button before you upload or distribute them!